Party Happenings

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I Went To The Fights And A Magic Show Broke Out!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 
Oh my! A fight nearly broke out a birthday party I was performing at this weekend. The would be combatants were face to face, getting hotter and threatening blows. I was both horrified and transfixed as I watched. It was all unfolding in front of me as they were about 20 feet behind where the kids were sitting.
Now, since this was a two year old’s birthday party and the children watching were mostly three and four year olds you might think two of kids were going to fight over where t...
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So Proud at a Library Magic Show!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Tuesday, August 3, 2010,
Had some fun at one of my favorite libraries yesterday, the Quartz Hill Library. I did two shows for them as they are such a popular library. The kid count was 134. More with the parents in the crowd. This library even requires sign ups or you can’t get in! Very different than the library I used to take my kids to.
Anyway, the reason I am so proud, proud like a grandparent, is a boy came up after one of the shows and said he knew some magic. He had taken a magic class at his school and wante...
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Birthday Party Magic Show for Twelve Year Olds with a Surprise

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, June 4, 2010, In : Cool Kids 
Twelve year olds are a tough crowd. Especially twelve year old boys. They know magic is not real, they go on U-Tube and see how just about any trick is done and are not about to be entertained by a magician’s lame jokes. So when I got a call from a dad who wanted a birthday party magic show for his twelve year old son’s party I told him the best way to go was a magic show tied in to a workshop. Having taught After School Enrichment classes for over 15 years I have a collection of tricks a...
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Balloon Swords Drive Mom Crazy

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, May 21, 2010, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 

Moms have to put up with a lot. I know, I was one myself (a Mr. Mom during the week and performing shows in the evenings and weekends.) So when a mom books me for a birthday party magic show and she wants me to make balloon animals for all the kids I bring up the subject of Balloon Swords.
Kids love them. Mostly boys love them but some girls too ask for them. I love them. I practiced the martial art of fencing for years. One of my favorite movies of all time is the Three Musketeers with Micha...
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Party of Five

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Monday, May 10, 2010, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 
These days I always ask how many children will be at the party for the magic show. If I am doing balloon animals I need to make sure I have a balloon for the last child at the last party of the day.
It also helps me know what kind of crowd to expect. Will it be a packed house or just a handful of kids. I like a large group of kids. Much more energy comes at me and I bounce it back. It changes the show. I suppose if my show was one where the kids sit and watch it like a TV show it would not ma...
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Six Year Old Host

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Monday, May 3, 2010, In : Cool Kids 
You really get see a variety of children’s personalities performing magic at their birthday parties week after week. And learn how each child reacts in situations. Some are eager to participate, some are cautious at first waiting to get to know you before participating and some just like to sit and watch as if the magician was a television set.
But at one of this weeks birthday party shows, I met a six year old boy, let’s call him Frankie, who was outgoing and eager to help but was differ...
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Visiting Edwards Air Force Base

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, In : Just Cool Magic Happenings 
One of my shows this weekend was at Edwards Air Force Base. Very cool visiting the place where air speed records were broken time after time and Chuck Yeager was the first to break the sound barrier. Edwards is also the western landing area of the Space Shuttle. So while I didn’t see any strange shapes in the sky, I did see cool planes on the ground and just visiting the base was cool. My dad was in the Navy and I have been to the Long Beach Navel Base many times seeing the awesome ships of...
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Real Magic

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, April 23, 2010, In : Just Cool Magic Happenings 
No, I am not talking about Harry Potter style magic. I am talking about the feeling of magic we experience. Of wonder. Something inside, a surprised feeling. I tell my magic class students the problem with learning how a trick works is that the the magic disappears for you. When you see a great magic trick you experience the sense of wonder. When you show someone a great trick they experience it and you have to get the enjoyment through them.
So it is rare these days I experience that feeling ...
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You owe me seven bagels!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Monday, April 19, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
Every year I perform a magic show at the same country club for Easter. It is fun to see the children growing up. Some people ask me if the kids are spoiled or bratty since they are at a country club. They are not. They have manners and their actions are watched by their parents very close. If you are a Simpson's fan, you may remember an episode where Marge gets invited to the local country club and takes her family. The country club kids are portrayed as very snotty to the help. "I said an ab...
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Lucky For Me!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Wednesday, March 17, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
I performed my magic show at an outdoor festival in my town. A nice sized crowd was there.
Now, if you have seen my show you probably have seen one of my signature routines where I tie some ropes around a male adult's middle and then all the kids who want to get to help pull the ropes through his body. A real crowd pleaser and fun for both the kids and adults watching.
At this show I spotted a man who has come with his daughter many times to the restaurant I perform at. He has been a great guy ...
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A New One?

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Sunday, March 14, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
This never happened before! I performed at a birthday party in a park yesterday. It was a great party with lots of kids and parents that participated and enjoyed the magic show. But as I was setting up and the kids were starting to sit in front, the three year old birthday girl came with her mother to sit down. She was a little shy as three year olds can be. I smiled and made bit of eye contact to show I was safe and friendly. She seemed happy to engage at that distance.
So now I bring out my...
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Posted by Douglas Hoover on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
Is this funny? You be the judge!

It has been raining quite a bit out here in sunny California. I can't complain too much about going to parties in the rain when the rest of the country is in hip deep snow. I do feel for those who have to get to shows in that! But getting from the car to inside in the rain, without and umbrella (I guess I could make two trips so I can carry one) is not fun.

But something odd happened at this birthday party show. The party was already in progress in the gara...
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Keep It A Secret!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Sunday, February 21, 2010, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 
I like to use video clips of parents talking about my shows so other moms and dads can feel confident hiring me. Today I mentioned this after one of my birthday party magic shows but the mom and dad begged off going on camera citing they worked for the government and didn't want their likeness on the internet! So instead they gave me verbal recommendations. Cool.

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Generious Dad

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, February 19, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
I don't know how funny this is to you but it made me smile! After a show last weekend, I was loading up my car and a dad of one of the kids came up to me and slipped me some money saying how much his daughter enjoyed me and my show. Now, I don't know why he felt compelled to give me money as opposed to just saying how much he and his daughter liked me but is was very nice. It just seemed unusual and made me smile. Did he think I worked for tips? I was underpaid or that by giving me money it m...
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Bunny Funny

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, February 5, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
Okay, to start off the funnies I'll relate a Bunny Funny that happened when I started out in magic. Right after I magically produced the bunny at the end of the show, the bunny decided that he needed to relieve himself. So he let it fly as I was holding him up and a stream of yellow liquid came showering all over me. =(
Let me tell you, the kids were screaming and laughing. They say Tragedy is when something happens to you. Comedy is when the same thing happens to someone else. Well to me gett...
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Fun Party Happenings

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, February 5, 2010, In : Funny Happenings at Shows 
I have had some funny happenings at my shows. Here you can read about some of those that might bring you a chuckle! I'll try to update these pages as they come up. Doug

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Doug's Funnies

Comedy Kids Magician Doug Hoover Some funny things happen at my shows. I'll post some that might give you a chuckle!